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Financial Answer Center

Countdown to Retirement

Company Retirement Benefits
  • Before you leave your job, get records you may need, such as written material on your retirement health benefits and other benefits. Check with your company to see if they have any special offers for retirees.
  • Schedule an appointment with your employer's human resource department to discuss retirement plan options and confirm the amount of your benefits.
  • Read your most recent employer benefits statement and check the statement for accuracy.
  • Review your own retirement savings outside company plans. See the section Taking Inventory for more information.
  • Consider hiring a professional to analyze your various payout options for your retirement benefits.
  • Contact former employers about retirement benefits that you may have coming from them. Make sure to include your Social Security number, your address, and the approximate dates of your employment. Give them about six month's notification of your pending retirement, so they can do all the necessary paperwork.

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